
合作社 规定 等级


kaili kaili 发表于2023-06-17 03:55:41 浏览50 评论0





一、 制度建设



二、 基本条件




三、 管理标准



四、 行业标准


五、 资质加盟合作








The scale and strength of agricultural cooperatives are growing, and the qualification level of cooperatives is increasingly becoming one of the prerequisites for their establishment and development. This paper starts with the qualification level regulation of agricultural cooperatives, and analyzes it in detail from four to six aspects including system construction, basic conditions, management standards, industry standards, and so on. It aims to help readers better understand and master relevant knowledge.

I. System Construction

The qualification level regulation of agricultural cooperatives is based on system construction. "Regulations for the Evaluation and Management of Qualification Levels of Rural Cooperatives" (hereinafter referred to as "Regulations") jointly formulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the Administration for Industry and Commerce is the basic guideline for the regulation. The "Regulations" stipulate four levels of qualification classification standards, among which the first level represents the highest level.

The qualification level classification standards of agricultural cooperatives mainly include four aspects: basic conditions, system construction, economic indicators, and social benefits. Among them, system construction is an important standard for grading qualifications. Only by establishing management systems and operating rules that conform to national policies and regulations, in accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations," can higher scores be obtained in qualification level rating, and better operation and management of cooperatives can be carried out.

II. Basic Conditions

The basic conditions of agricultural cooperatives are comprehensive expressions of rural cooperative society's mainstream trends such as expanding in scale, diversifying functional orientation, and improving training mechanisms. The basic conditions in qualification level rating are divided into two types: basic and innovative.

In terms of basic conditions, the rating standard mainly includes sound organization structure, standardized operation, sound financial condition, and so on. For example, agricultural cooperatives should have sound legal governance structure, strict approval procedures, and financial independence. In qualification level rating, it is difficult to obtain higher grades if these basic conditions do not meet the standards.

In terms of innovative conditions, the rating standard mainly includes strengthening the internal training mechanism of cooperatives, improving business performance, increasing social services, and expanding members' income sources. With the support of these innovative conditions, agricultural cooperatives can better serve their members, expand their social influence, and promote rural economic development.

III. Management Standards

The qualification level rating of agricultural cooperatives not only includes the basic and innovative conditions but also pays attention to management standards. In this regard, the rating's main focus is the cooperative's management level and management system. It can be said that the management standards of agricultural cooperatives are essential guarantees for the normal operation and management of cooperatives.

In terms of management level, the qualification level rating mainly focuses on decision-making ability, organizational management, personnel quality, and business ability. In terms of system construction, management systems are essential content in qualification level rating. Establishing management systems that conform to regulations and national policies and regulations, and improving procedural processes play a critical role in the qualification level rating of agricultural cooperatives.

IV. Industry Standards

The qualification level rating of agricultural cooperatives is also limited by industry standards. For different types of agricultural cooperatives, industry standards can finely regulate the rating indicators and conditions. For example, concerning the economic performance of cooperatives, economic application indicators related to agricultural cooperatives and land interests can be used for evaluation. In qualification level rating, raising the application of industry standards can improve the standardization and impartiality of rating results.

V. Qualification Joint Venture and Cooperation

National low-rate project cooperation, qualification affiliation, construction general contract qualification, petrochemical general contract, water conservancy and hydropower general contract, mechanical and electrical general contract, environmental protection, etc. These commercial cooperation methods are widely used in qualification affiliation and cooperation.


The qualification level regulation of agricultural cooperatives is one of the keys to the development of cooperatives. The establishment of the system, basic conditions, management standards, industry standards, and other regulations play a vital role in promoting the legitimacy and standardized development of cooperatives.

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